Consumers are increasingly invested in food that is sustainably grown and want greater access to information about where their food comes from. The need for transparency is just one of the reasons why soybean farmers have embraced farming innovation and regenerative practices. Learn how U.S. farmers have adapted innovative soy farming practices to improve soy production.
Embracing Innovation and Technology within Soybean Farming
Soybean farmers are highly innovative, using technology to create more sustainable and functional crops. They plant new varieties that yield healthier and more functional products while embracing technology and sustainable practices to protect land for future generations. They pursue innovation in soybean farming by using regenerative agriculture methods and incorporating biotechnology innovations into their farming. To support these aims, The United Soybean Board works with farmers to establish best practices that allow soy farmers to be more efficient with their inputs and work toward making a better bean.
Regenerative Farming and Soy
One way U.S. soybean farmers pursue farming innovation is by incorporating sustainable farming practices like regenerative farming. Regenerative farming is a range of agricultural practices that work to replenish the health of the soil and sustain it for long-time use. Sustainability and regenerative farming naturally become more important as consumer needs increase and farmers need to produce more crops overall. As part of this increased need, U.S. soybean growers are committed to employing new production practices to continuously advance sustainability efforts. Soybeans in particular are a good crop for sustainability efforts too, as they are sustainably grown which contributes to a cleaner label and lower carbon footprint.
Agriculture Technology & Biotechnology
Different types of agriculture (AG) technology, particularly biotechnology, play a part in the ways farmers pursue innovation in soy farming. The benefits of bioengineering to soybean growers include reduced herbicide applications, decreased weed and insect pressure, increased yields and profits, as well as a plethora of environmental benefits. More farmers are also innovating with AG technology like precision farming. They hone in on precision farming, a method that uses technology to make farms more efficient, which is critical to soybean production and yield. Technologies like GPS, satellite mapping and more can help farmers use their land more effectively. Advances in the field also aim to increase nutritional benefits for consumers, protect against extreme weather conditions and address malnutrition around the globe.
Overall, biotechnology allows soy farmers to:

Decrease pesticide use, allowing for use of more environmentally friendly herbicides.

Preserve and improve soil quality through the use of conservation tillage and no-till practices.

Reduce nutrient runoff, increasing crops' efficiency and conserving topsoil.

Minimize their agricultural "carbon footprint." In 2015 alone, biotechnology reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 58.8 billion pounds.
To find out more about how farmers are embracing innovation in soy farming, check out our gallery of U.S. soybean farmers and watch A Soybean Farmer's Story: Agriculture Embraces Technology, ask questions, find soy recipes, and explore health and nutrition resources at Soy Connection.