Polyunsaturated Fat Favorably Affects Glycemic Control
The health impacts of dietary fat and carbohydrate are hotly debated topics. Although health authorities are continuing to recommend that saturated fat (SFA) intake be reduced from current levels there has been recent controversy about the relationship between SFA and coronary heart disease (CHD) risk.
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Solid Research Counters Common Myths About Soy
By Mark Messina, PhD, MS,
There continues to be confusion among consumers about the health attributes of soyfoods. To this point, a recent survey found that whereas the vast majority of health professionals view soyfoods very positively, little more than half of the public agrees. Four specific concerns about soyfood use are addressed below. They are misconceptions about male feminization, soy and breast cancer, thyroid function and fertility. First, the overall conclusion or takeaway is presented on each topic, and then the evidence underlying the concern is discussed, followed by a summary of the evidence refuting the concern.
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