Continuing Education
Credits Newsletter
Registered dietitians and dietetic technicians, certified dietary managers and certified food protection professionals may receive continuing education (CE) credits by reading the newsletter and taking and passing a test. The Soy Connection newsletter is approved for 0.5 to 1.0 hour per issue.
The Soy Connection for Health Professionals
In This Issue:
- Soybean oil has a very heart-healthy fatty acid profile as it is comprised of almost 90% unsaturated fatty acids, about two-thirds of which is linoleic acid. Soybeans have great potential for use as human food because of their high level of good quality protein and their unique functional and nutritional properties. Soy protein supplies all nine essential amino acids and provides many functional benefits to the food processors. The future of soybean oil for food manufacturing and home food preparation continues to be bright as new varieties with health-promoting benefits and food applications are being developed, and novel ways to modify fats and oils are created.
Soybean oil was introduced to the American consumer during World War II when domestic and imported sources of fat became limited. Because of its versatility for home and commercial food preparation, soybean oil grew to be the major contributor of both essential fatty acids to the US diet. Read More
By Mian N. Riaz, PhD, CFS, Consumers continue to demand healthier food products. Given the choice, most consumers would prefer to enhance or improve their diet using food and drink related products rather than pharmaceuticals. Read More
When one thinks of soy, the traditional Asian soyfoods – tofu, miso, natto, tempeh – most likely come to mind. While these foods play key roles in Asian cuisines and increasingly in non-Asian cuisines, they account for only a small percentage of the soybeans produced worldwide. Read More